In Budget Snub, Betsy DeVos Treats Charters Like “Public Schools” | deutsch29

In Budget Snub, Betsy DeVos Treats Charters Like “Public Schools” | deutsch29

In Budget Snub, Betsy DeVos Treats Charters Like “Public Schools”

In President Trump’s proposed FY2021 budget, charter school funding is lumped together in block-grant fashion with funding once seperately designated for 29 federal K12-related programs. From the US Department of Education (USDOE) FY2021 proposed budget press release:
The budget calls for consolidating nearly all existing K-12 formula and competitive grant programs into one block grant to States, called the Elementary and Secondary Education for the Disadvantaged (ESED) Block Grant. Funds would be allocated using the same formulas as the Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies program.
Specifically, the block grant includes consolidating these 29 federal programs:
  • Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies
  • Migrant State Grants
  • Neglected and Delinquent State Grants
  • Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants
  • 21st Century Community Learning Centers
  • Education for Homeless Children and Youths
  • Rural Education
  • Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants
  • English Language Acquisition Grants
