Indiana: Two Virtual Charter Schools Steal More Than $68 Million from State | Diane Ravitch's blog

Indiana: Two Virtual Charter Schools Steal More Than $68 Million from State | Diane Ravitch's blog

Indiana: Two Virtual Charter Schools Steal More Than $68 Million from State

The biggest and worst charter scandals are perpetrated by virtual charter schools. Why do states tolerate their waste, fraud, and abuse?
The only online charters should be operated and supervised by public officials, not by grifters and entrepreneurs.
Indiana was just scammed of more than $68 million by two virtual charters. This was money that should have spent on children and in classrooms to reduce class sizes and pay teachers.
Why did the authorizer ignore the graft? Could it be that it was getting paid a commission for each student supposedly enrolled in these “schools”? Enough fraud to pay off almost everyone.
Early estimates of just how much money two online schools stole from the state of Indiana were wrong, according to a report filed Wednesday by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.
A special investigation into malfeasance by Indiana CONTINUE READING: Indiana: Two Virtual Charter Schools Steal More Than $68 Million from State | Diane Ravitch's blog
